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Special Operations Air Land Integration
The SOALI members form an additional facilitating and support capacity within the Special Forces Group’s Operational Detachment.
SOALI elements can get appointed to a deploying team or can deploy as a main effort. As first line enablers, SOALI members participate in numerous exercises, deploy internationally on numerous occasions for their own currency and qualification training or embedded in the teams. Once in a team, every member can continue to explore additional capabilities and can become a specialist in a specific domain. A SOALI member can either be qualified as a ROMAD (Radio Operator Maintainer And Driver) or as a JTAC (Joint Terminal Attack Controller).
Alle ROMADs worden gekwalificeerde drone-operators (micro UAS, Raven, PUMA LE).
Volunteers and NCOs can join the SOALI team without any previous qualifications although an interest in the specific job and a functional knowledge of the English language are definitely advised. Volunteers can become ROMADs, NCOs can become ROMADs or JTACs. Officers interested in joining the SOALI team are required to be JTAC qualified prior to enrolment.
For more information and to find out when to apply, please contact us at SFG-PublicAffairs@mil.be.