
"Who ignores his history is an orphan of the past, bewildered by the present and confused by the future"

The members of SFGp are prepared to deploy on very short notice, with an organization specifically designed for this purpose. Mature and highly trained, they are ideally suited for rapid deployment in politically sensitive areas or for delicate missions.

Special forces group

3 main missions

Its objective is to gather, collect, or confirm information about facilities, individuals, and capabilities. These missions can last from several days to several weeks. They involve both human and technical intelligence, with an as low as possible footprint (low signature).


Special Surveillance Reconnaissance is to gather, collect or confirm information about facilities, persons, capacities. These missions can take several days to several weeks. Its objective is to gather, collect, or confirm information about facilities, individuals, and capabilities. These missions can last from several days to several weeks. They involve both human and technical intelligence, with an as low as possible footprint (low signature). These missions can take several days to several weeks.


Direct Action on a target in order to destroyed installation, to size material, to arrest people …These missions are limited in time. Our unit holds military exclusivity in hostage rescue operations abroad. We have specialized training and organize exercises to ensure the safety of Belgians.


Military Assistance, the mission is to train, to advise, to assist in an international context. We collaborate also with various equivalent services abroad to improve security in an indirect manner. These types of missions take a long time.

Others missions:


Non-combatant Evacuation Operation, is the evacuation of civilians from a country where they are in danger. Most of the time, this danger is linked to political instability, riots or even civil war. Sometimes it is also the consequence of a natural disaster: earthquake, tropical cyclone, tsunami, etc.


Combat Search and Rescue, are search and rescue operations that are carried out during war that are within or near combat zones, or on the front or even in the zone controlled by the enemy, generally to recover soldiers.


Close Protection Team, these teams are used in Belgium or abroad to guarantee the protection of senior Belgian officials during risky travel.