Special Operations Boat Unit

Job Description

The SOBU operator is responsible for supporting the Special Forces Operators Detachment in all maritime tasks, particularly as a pilot and navigator of the FRISC. They must be proficient in medical stabilization and the evacuation of casualties in maritime environments (at the SOFAFR level).

To fulfill these duties, the operator must possess a thorough understanding of maritime legislation applicable in deployment areas. They should also have technical and practical expertise with all inflatable boats and RHIBs used by the Belgian Defense, enabling them to navigate safely both day and night.

As a FRISC pilot and navigator, the operator is capable of deploying this type of vessel under challenging weather conditions, using radar and digital navigation charts, whether for tactical exercises or operational deployments. Additionally, they must be prepared to assume, if required, the role of FRISC RHIB commander to support Maritime Surveillance and Opposed Boarding missions of the SFGp.

Lastly, the SOBU operator must be able to share their knowledge with partners as part of Military Assistance.

Main tasks

For further information about information days or recruitment, please contact us at