Become a NATO Special Operations Combat Medic (NSOCM)

A NATO Special Operations Combat Medic (NSOCM) is a highly skilled operator who has completed an intensive six-month advanced medical course. These medics are the vital link between the point of injury and the next level of care, trained to sustain and stabilize casualties for up to 36 hours in some of the most challenging environments.

Their expertise spans from handling “classic” trauma scenarios to advanced clinical medicine and prolonged field care. NSOCMs are critical thinkers, trained at identifying and treating health risks and conditions in remote, austere environments, using a limited arsenal of resources to find the best solutions.

Collaboration and Responsibilities

NSOCMs work closely with the Special Operations Response Team (SORT), stabilizing patients and ensuring a seamless handover to the SORT or other next levels of care. To maintain their elite medical skills, NSOCMs participate in rigorous medical trainings, work in emergency rooms, and continually update their knowledge in trauma, medication, and general illnesses. This relentless pursuit of excellence ensures they are always prepared to rely on their expertise when deployed.

Path to Becoming an NSOCM:

Required Skills