Word from the Commander of the Special Forces Group.
Lieutenant-Colonel Kristof Moens, Commander of the Special Forces Group
The Special Forces Group represents less than 1% of the Belgian Defense personnel but still delivers an extraordinarily high operational performance. This is only possible due to the unwavering commitment of every member of the unit, whose blend of individual qualities and talents results in exceptional outcomes. For successful execution of operational and strategic missions, each member of the SF Gp is crucial: from the unit’s armorer to the operator who uses explosives to breach a door.
Our personnel are deeply invested in their work and continuously strive to improve. Members of the SF Gp believe in the possibility of change and are determined to achieve it. Boarding a ship at night and neutralizing targets requires months of intensive training and numerous specific skills. It also demands specialists in intelligence, operational planners, logistics experts, communications professionals, and more. We constantly seek, attract, and train talented individuals in all these areas.
Although our roots lie in ruggedness and the ability to accomplish our mission in unstable, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environments with limited support, the SF Gp remains convinced of the importance of technological advantage. Therefore, we encourage our personnel to keep up with innovations in various fields of expertise, allowing for a continuous evolution of our equipment, methods, and organization.
In modern conflicts, inaction equates to extinction. Our adaptability is, in fact, a relentless quest for excellence.